Why did I, fifteen years ago start a blog? A valid question. The blog grew organically out of the need to post updates about my personal website. I switched from posting rather limited sentences on which content had been updated to rambling on about my life at large. Looking back it was a way to […]
The Woman Next Door
It is not every day you get a letter from the sitting Prime Minister. I suppose it does help that her constituency is next door and I drive across the boundary each working day. A couple of words of advice to her well-drilled campaign team. Firstly I expect the Conservatives to be better informed to […]
Sleeping With The Enemy
Do you stare at your smartphone in bed before you finally drift off to sleep? I too, am guilty as charged Your Honour! Now blue light is affecting our brains and well-being in multiple ways and as this is a recent phenomenon, research continues but the signs are not good. Therefore after many years of […]
Identity Crisis
Spotted this Saturday afternoon while in The Peel Centre car park. This proud badge was on a car, (a lime Focus Fusion I believe) owned by a middle aged couple. Probably what you expect to see in the light of Brexit and the whipped up nationalist feelings which are being harnessed across not just our country […]
The Listening Bank
While in primary school, we were given some rather basic lessons (perhaps only one) on finance. Martin Lewis would have been proud that we were offered at least something. Put some money in your bank account. The bank will use that money to invest in enterprise and earn you interest on the money you saved. […]
In an alternative timeline, Bernie Saunders would be President Elect, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland would be remaining part of the EU; Arsenal would have tipped Leicester to claim their 4th Premier League title in May. We can always look at things and wonder what could have been. I do this […]
A Positive Influence
In my humble opinion, everybody should have a blog! I suppose you could consider this the contemporary equivalent that everybody should write a novel. While the barriers to getting a book written and published have reduced in recent times, it is still far easier to setup a free blog and be up and running within […]
The Road To Glory
It was just your average Thursday morning, as we drove out of our estate. We were listening to Radio 1, nothing out the ordinary and in the back of my mind I was thinking of what I had to achieve, once I was in the office. I noticed a number of cars parked up at […]
On The Ladder
Alongside getting married, getting on the property ladder are one of those life milestones. You truly have arrived in the world as an adult if you have a mortgage to pay and henceforth a little piece of land to call your own. Before I go into the main feature, let me start with a brief […]
Annual Report 2015
With now only hours remaining of 2015 time to give you access to the Jet Pack Annual Report.