Summer Evening At The Races

Believe it or not this was my first time at Royal Windsor Racecourse. My new employers had arranged a social night out and kindly invited me along. (I had been a last minute addition but thankfully they had a few spare spaces.) It bought back memories of going to Newmarket while on placement over ten […]

Supply & Demand

As expected, additional dates were added for the Mrs Carter Show World Tour starring BeyoncĂ©. Therefore it was a case of deja vu for myself and colleague Priyam on Friday morning. I was keen to make sure I secured tickets on this second priority sale, even if that meant skipping breakfast all together. I knew […]

Can You Handle A Mo, Bro

Two years ago, a colleague in the office was growing a moustache in November. This work mate, was not just your average work shy acquittance, whom you would simply forget, the moment you leave that employer, but a semi professional ice hockey player Shane Moore. I have always wanted to take part in the annual […]