Coming Out As A Gleek?

I have been watching Glee since it was recommended to me by my girlfriend’s friend Shabana (who over the past year and a bit has actually become my BBF, even if she is not great at answering her phone!) back in late October last year. I watched the first series religiously but was rather disappointed […]

Guilty Pleasures

I am sure we all have them, those things we like that if the world at large knew, would laugh or worse. I suppose, I have to admit that I am more guilty than most on both counts. I have a great deal of guilty pleasures, which alone would not really be an issue. However, […]

Monday 7th September 2009

Around ten past eight, this morning, I was hitting the Robin Hood Roundabout, heading to Norwich. I did not bring any of my CDs into the hire car (something else to forget at the end of the day). I listened to Radio One and would do for most of the day. A new song came […]