I had drafted three to four lines for my post on Friday early evening and was all set to complete the post later that night but my weekend changed dramatically over the case of a few hours. I will try and fill in the blanks where I can but overall a very good weekend, when […]
Wednesday 19th September 2007
Wednesday 4th July 2007
After watching Sky News, I feel asleep around 2am. I got up early and Dave was awake soon after and in his smart work clothes. It was around 8.30am on Sunday morning. I declined the offer of tea and breakfast, opting to get the car packed and head out onto the road. I set the […]
Friday 17th November 2006
I was a man on a mission. That was the description from one of my colleagues on the helpdesk, quite early on Wednesday morning. It was true and I knew there was so much to be done before that 12 o’clock bell would ring. I could not sleep, I was just far too excited. On […]
Wednesday 15th November 2006
Monday 28th August 2006
While I was struggling to find anything to write about on Friday, even to some extent on Saturday evening. I now find myself with two full days of events to report on. Let me first go back to Saturday evening. I decided to watch Star Wars – Episode IV: A New Hope on Sky. At […]
Sunday 4th December 2005
What a night! But the day begins in the mid afternoon. I was hoping to leave at 3pm, but left exactly thirty minutes later. I had only refuelled on Friday, so my trip mileage counter was reset and showing only 2.5, as I pulled out of my drive. As I had given myself so much […]
Friday 30th July 2004
My shift patterns have been erratic to say the least this week. Although home time had been set to 4pm, for four days, I only actually left the office at that time on Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday turned out to be, the day I had a brush with Royalty. Although, my lunch slot is midday, it […]