My Kind Of Town

Can a single location have a major influence on your life? Perhaps your hometown or your place of birth? Or where your parents were born or where you grew up? Where you spent your formative years during the summer exploring, discovering, living a relatively carefree existence. It is a strange fact that the English county […]

Pop Culture

The thirty-seven-year-old me really enjoyed this inventive television commercial. My seven-year-old self loves it even more. It actually appeared in an unexpected place, not Twitter or Facebook or Tumblr but on my LinkedIn feed late yesterday afternoon. I watched a couple of times and still am in awe of the genius to bring together so […]

Late To The Party

For various reasons, we decided to not publicize Michelle’s pregnancy. These are private moments we wanted to keep to ourselves. In this modern world of oversharing, over-analysis and endless opinions, we felt some reassurance in the power of silence. I became a proud father to Logan Tegala thirteen minutes past midnight on Wednesday 17th October […]

Will Shakespeare Return?

While many people were settling down to watch Croatia play Nigeria in the FIFA World Cup, I was enjoying a cup of tea with Clive in the grounds of Long Hall, Buckinghamshire. We were less than an hour away from the annual Chiltern Shakespeare Company summer performance. This year it was the lesser-known tragedy Richard […]

Making Memories in the Mayhem

Do you ever wake up on a random Friday and your life up to that point feels as if it all has been a mere dazy, almost insignificant dream. As if that particular morning is the first day of the rest of your life. Many people aspire to live their lives with this mentality. For […]

Grocery Surcharges

Technology has made our lives easier in every way possible but even in 2018 there are parts of lives that still need to catch up. While I am at times an early adopter of many platforms/gadgets/processes there are some things I still prefer to keep old school. For example, I still enjoy reading a book […]