Friday 5th April 2002

On my back to Leicester in the morning. Not really had a chance to get much work done on the site. Hoping that I can get a few pages done before the start of exams next month. Before I came home, I planned to get so much of my coursework done. However as usually, I […]

Sunday 10th March 2002

I have been promising a makeover for my site for months and I have finally got around to doing it! (Hooray!) The site layout is quite the same, with a few pages removed, other pages updated. The main change I have been made is to the visual appeal of the site with new logos, images […]

Saturday 23rd February 2002

I have been giving some thought to making my site W3C compliant. This would be a heavy workload, as each page would need to be screened, to check that the HTML code, meets the compliance of the world wide web consortium. The eventual achievement, would be that the site would be visible in any browser […]

Wednesday 6th February 2002

The semester is going past very quickly. I am drowning in work at the moment, so I do not have time to update the site at the moment. Hopefully, I will have a chance, in the next few days, but I may not to be able as spend much time on it. I have work […]

Sunday 28th January 2002

Second semester starts tomorrow. I am actually, really looking forward to it. Some of the modules I have chosen should be interesting and I hope to gain some good marks. Plus, still trying to look for a placement for my 3rd year. Hopefully, some good jobs will come up very soon and I will get […]

Tuesday 1st January 2002

Happy New Year to you all. How quickly the Christmas holidays pass by. I will be back in Leicester on Friday. I wish I could spend more time with my family and friends, but I have work to do and exams to take. I am sorry that I have not updated the site for several […]