If I am honest, I have been waiting all my life for this movie to be made. You can imagine my excitement when I heard it was being filmed and scheduled for release in the summer 2007. I was a minor fan of the television series and had a movie (not the 1986 movie) but […]
Monday 1st January 2007
It is 02.37am, as the first few precious hours of 2007 come and go. I should not really be on my computer but for some reason I am. Anyway, housekeeping down, 2006 archives updated. West Side Story was being shown on Sky Cinema this afternoon at 3.20pm. There was a minor “temporary fault” so the […]
Saturday 30th December 2006
It is a minute past midnight as I start this blog posting and for the first time in months I feel I can blog “live”. Live for the moment, without the need for major notes (paper or electronic). It may lack some coherence, so just please bear with me. I want to cover so many […]
Friday 20th May 2005
Thursdays, what is your view on them? Can you have a view on the day of the week? Perhaps not, because one Thursday, will never be like another. They stick in my mind for being crucial linkage between the middle and end of the week. The strongest example of this, is from my placement. I […]
Saturday 18th January 2003
Number Five in the Official UK Top 40 singles chart, and the second highest new entry! Well at least Electric 6 didn’t make it to that coveted number one spot! Now, of course there will be some of you who say, that only just getting into the Top 5 is a poor result. But for […]