Tuesday 22nd March 2005

Firstly, I would like to apologise for my site being unavailable for the past twenty hours. This is purely down to the incompetent idiots, called Portland. I will come to them, shortly. For now, let me begin at the beginning. While working late, the office falls into an eerie silence, with only the noise of […]

Saturday 19th March 2005

Seven days have passed since my last posting, but you don’t need to have a Mathematics degree to work that out. To say I have been busy, would be an under statement. There just has been so much going on, with the office move and technical hiccups with gremlins in the phone system. Although I […]

Sunday 6th March 2005

It is a proud moment, when any individual decides to start a blog. Particularly when initially they were uncomfortable with the idea of sharing their views, even perhaps life story (or should that be history) on the web. Even seasoned veterans such as Sippy had reservations during his break over the past two years. I […]

Friday 4th March 2005

Friday comes around again, and I feel that special feeling, driving off into the cold night, leaving work, the chaos far behind me, until Monday morning at least. Not sure, where this urge to celebrate the minor passing of yet another working week. Afterall, five days in an office, is hardly an achievement, compared to […]

Monday 28th February 2005

Been rather slow on the blogging front and to be honest, I have had little to write about, so posting seems like a pointless activity. When I have nothing to report, I try to keep in the positive by noting down some events in the future, that I am looking forward to. Instead I find […]

Tuesday 15th February 2005

My movie watching over the past few months, and retrospectively the past few years has been limited. Subsequently I have a stack of DVD’s beside the television that remain untouched, the weekly Saturday night Premiere on Sky Movies goes unwatched. Even a magical animated series from my childhood has failed to see the light of […]