I am back in Wycombe for the weekend, my exams finished today and with them the memories of my last semester.
Nobody likes the prospect of exams. I know, I certainly do not. But having had them throughout at my secondary school, up to GCSE then the killer 3 hour A-Level examinations, four years ago. I promised myself I would never sit a three hour examination again in my life. So far, I have been able to keep my promise. Exams at University seemed to have been quite a laid back affair. You come into your exam, follow the regulations, take your exam and get the hell out of there! Of the two main invigilator’s, I have to admit I have a personal favourite. He ran a tight ship, everything done by the book and never a minute out on timing. It is shame, there are not more invigilator’s like him, but then maybe you can’t find such characters everywhere. Well if you are a famous actor, why not do a bit of moonlighting as exam invigilator? Overall, my exams went well. Luckily, the hardest was first, on Tuesday and then Wednesday and today were more straightforward. Personally, I am glad that they are over. I don’t feel that a massive burden has been lifted off my shoulders. I was discussing this with my housemate Nav. He explained that the best feeling is your final exam in May, and what adds to this feeling is knowing your exam went like a, “dream”. A week ago, I was so looking forward to this day and being able to enjoy myself. Unfortunately, I don’t feel that great sense of relief now that my exams are over. I suppose it is the realisation that I have more exams in May and there is plenty, plenty of work to be done before then.

I left Leicester at 12:30pm, catching the non-stop service to London St. Pancras. From there, I had to transfer to tube and make my way over to London Marylebone. I arrived into London just before 2pm. Then, as I came up the escalator, from Marylebone tube station to the Network Rail foyer, the departure screen showed, the time of 14:13 for the High Wycombe service on Platform 4. I looked at my watch, it was 14:11. I was just in time. I was outside my front door by 15:45 this afternoon. This was surely one of the more pleasant journeys I have had on a train and made a dramatic change to the usual route I would take on this mode of transport. My usual route would be go from Leicester to Coventry, then changed onto a Virgin Train to Banbury, before changing once last time for a Network SouthEast train bound for Wycombe.
What else to report? Not much news at the moment I am afraid. Where has the time gone? It has been 2 months since my birthday and a full month since we were a few days away from Christmas. If this is any way to judge the passage of time. I see my final semester at DMU, flying by before my eyes. I will try and add another entry towards the end of my weekend. Looking forward to the FA Cup 4th Round this weekend! Come on Arsenal! 🙂