Friday 29th October 2004

At times I find it it difficult to put into words, the story of my life. Sometimes, I look at myself and in the mirror I see, one of the least interesting people in the universe. Giving great evidence for the existence of the great ‘nobody’ is not hard. Yet the person that stares back at me, with those piercing dark eyes, longs for something. Longs for some recognition, some fame. No, maybe fame is not the correct word. He has a deep yearning to belong, but he misconstrues this desire with wanting to be popular. That goes a long way to explain the existence of this website and this blog. Taking this to a higher level, I look at my life and realise many home truths. My day begins with me, walking from a quiet suburb of Buckinghamshire into the hustle of one of the greatest (and in my eyes, beautiful) cities in the world. Yet, as the moon is high in the cloudy sky, his only friend, as he returns home.

The Moon

Rarely do I talk about myself in the third person, rarely do I even consider writing my blog in this narrative fashion. Yet, today is different. Today was supposed to be the point at which, a chapter in my life to end. Closure is important, no matter what anybody says. Human emotions does not drift from one scenario to another without some baggage but there is a need to shed as much as possible, in order to move on. To make the transition more stable. Today was my last day at work. But for circumstances beyond my control, I am still here and there is a job that needs to be finished. It has come to a point, where that has become the priority and everything is just a secondary after thought. I know, once again with the finish line within sight, I would be able to take my foot off the pedal and relax. This could not be further from the truth. I think these final ten days are going to be the most challenging of my four months with the firm. I just have to keep reminding myself that the future is bright, if not as bright as I would have hoped. A voice in my head reminds me of some wise words delivered by a stranger, several years ago. “As one door closes, another one opens…” Funny how I keep shutting these doors on myself. I suppose I can be shown as many doors as possible but it is I, whom has to take the bold step through. Enough talk of my progression up the career ladder (or rather lack of progression). Still not been able to find the time to work on my latest project. My plan is to incorporate some sort of work log which will take the form of technical notes and observations in my everyday working life. This will not be a form of anonymous employee blog, such as Call Centre Confidential: Next Stop Bombay or Diary of a Fast Food Life. I have no desire to be sacked, but please feel free to read more on this growing trend in the blogosphere. After many years of coding my own HTML for my blog, I was considering using one from two of my currently redundant weblog accounts. However, first a brief history lesson. Is this the right moment. No, so maybe sometime over the weekend. If I can spare some time. Is it any wonder now the stars around me Are not the brightest of them all From standing proud to falling like a domino down And out somehow All that I remember now about being by your side Is having just the most amazing time But nothing lasts forever We’re just human after all

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