What are your ingredients for the perfect weekend? I suppose, it really boils down to the type of person you are. A lazy weekend with nothing on the agenda, may be the best way to spent your time after a busy week in the City. Some may prefer the weekend away? Others may prefer something out of the ordinary, spa break or time in the gym. Whatever you do, I am sure you try to the make the most of your time. I had already built this weekend up, in my previous posting and although it may not have done all the things I wanted to do, it turned out much better than expected.
Friday, the starting point of every weekend. While I had proposed to go and watch the first in the football trilogy with my work colleague Chris, by Thursday I knew that I would not be going to the cinema, if out at all. I had been asked to collect my cousin from Hayes, which meant the 10.30pm viewing, which of course was far to late, if you include the journey time from Reading. Then, on Friday afternoon, as my previous entry details, I was dragged into go out. At the time I did not realise, but it meant that my entire weekend would be spent out of the house. I literally would come home to sleep and then get up and go out again. Believe me when I say this, been several years since I ever did anything as rock ‘n’ roll. Looking back now, I need to share with you a split second moment, of my drive to Henley. While I do not doubt my car has had some electrical problems in the past and more recently, a strange moment as I pulled away on the second segment of the A404. Those familiar with this road, will know this particular stretch is unlit, so you are literally driving in the dark. I was overtaking some smaller vehicles, knowing well that my exit slip road was not too far in the distance. My eyes fixed firmly on the road (and car) ahead, in the blink of an eye, my lights went out and came back on. My eyes switched to my speedo, which had been accelerating past 60, but was ‘reset’ and climbing again from 20mph. Had I just been hit by some strange electrical storm? Or had Dr. Emmett Brown, been working on my car, while it was parked at work? It didn’t make sense, I was no where near 88 mph. (My RoadPilot, confirmed that…) I have had power outages before, but the whole cars grinds to a halt, but somehow on this night, the Gods were looking down at me with comforting eyes. I do not want to imagine, what could have happened, if my car had stalled and I had lost complete control.
Saturday, I woke up slightly later than usual, around 9am, and got ready. I knew I had a few errands to complete before heading towards Harrow. As the redevelopment plans for my hometown, Wycombe are now in full swing (although, only some of the actually work is visible) my weekend car park has closed. The remaining options are limited and expensive. I parked over in the Sainsbury’s Car Park, and got a fantastic space, less than 10 car spaces in. (Great luck considering it is a four floor multistory) My weekend was continuing on the same note it had started on. Time and luck were for a chance on my side. As usual (and as a bloke) I had already predetermined what I was looking for. Even my trip around the town centre had been walked through in my mind earlier that morning. Within thirty minutes or so I had completed my purchases and was on my way home.
By the time I hit the M40, I was running over thirty minutes late, but then I had always been one to arrive fashionably late. While the day had been sunny, the moment I had driven out of my housing estate, the heavens opened and the heavy rain poured down. The party started at 1.30pm, so arriving later would not be a big problem. Yet I had a few issues. I had to find the place, plus what if I arrived unfashionably late, to find all the other guests there already? This was the dilemma I faced while I cranked up the stereo and put my foot down on the short motorway journey, my big A-Z of London, on the passenger seat. The song I had been listening to was a cover of Nick Kamen’s 1990 minor hit (remixed last year) “I Promised Myself” foolishly thinking it would be the theme for the weekend, but in fact I could not be further from the pulse. By the time I pulled off the A40, I was stuck in heavy traffic on the Target Roundabout, but it did not bother me. It gave me a chance to double check my route and confirm (in my head at least) that I knew where I was going. I was stuck in traffic for over twenty minutes and watched the minutes click away on my dash, humming along to the music. My nerves suddenly came alive as I pulled onto the roundabout and off at the first exit. Further delays as two lanes of traffic, slowly converges into one. Then, as the road ahead cleared, I was able to pick up some speed. Then, as I drove past the road, I realised that I had been here before, while trying to locate, the secret base of my superhero friend, Mighty Mouse. Pulling down the street, I crawled, trying to read the numbers on the front of the houses, while also trying to observe the highway code and watch out for cars ahead and behind me. When I realised the road beared to the left and I had to go right, I pulled off, what has now become a customary, Michael Knight, “KITT” move and swung my Punto (no Trans AM, I’m afraid) around to get to the right side of the road. Finally, I found the house and turned my car around in a side street. Parking up, I took a long deep breath, he goes nothing.
For a quiet, rather reserved and shy person, I have done quiet well on the friends front. (Or so I tell myself, if you base this on my MSN contact list!) I suppose, I just enjoy meeting new, exciting people from all walks of life. This just proves that if you are yourself, you can go from being on the outside, looking in to being part of something special. Back in early January, I could only have dreamt of such a moment. Those with a big heart will always hold you close, just a case of proving your friendship and repaying that faith. Sure at the beginning of this journey, I wanted something very different, but knowing what I know now. Knowing the politics and the history, I know that would never have been possible. Settling for just friendship is perhaps an understatement. For I know deep in my heart, it means more than anything else that could have, never will have been.
Meeting other MJ fans will always been an education. Even in my DeLorean club, there are some strange people (one whom dresses up as Marty at all the conventions, but I will save that for another blog entry). Those that had made the journey to Santa Maria to make their voices heard, loud and clear, deserve respect, if not more credit. Saturday night, gave me an opportunity for me to meet two of these lucky (or very sad, depending on your point of view) individuals. Sharing photos and the crazy stories from the trial, I was inspired, by the collective spirit of unity of these people from different spots across the globe, brought together by the trial of one man, one entertainter. People often say that it is the characters in our lifes that make it so interesting and add that sparkle to the day. At work, I have one such person, in the finance department, but here, once again I discovered the strange pairing of this double act, from Manchester and Glasgow respectively. I recall reading an article several years ago, stating that there were some facts set in stone. Whereever you go in the world, you will find, McDonalds, Starbucks and MJ fans. Perhaps, that sums up the situation. The brand itself maybe flagging, but the brand loyalty, continues to grow.