Saturday 16th October 2004

There was one thing, a prize that was getting me through the working week. Saturdays are generally special. Not that I do anything overtly interesting or sporting. It was my Mum’s birthday and I was looking forward to the day. I remember some years having a discussion with one of my good school friends. He was having an anti everything day and detested the fact that ‘you have to enjoy yourself on a Saturday night’. Angry at this unwritten rule, he was trying his best to live life without the ties of conformity. I never realised how important the weekend was until I started college. I suppose, after school we begin pursuing our own personal hobbies and interests rather than wanting to meet the expectations of our peers.

Of all the types of movies I enjoy, I just love feel good cinema. What had originally been planned as a family viewing of Bride &amp Prejudice at our local FilmWorks changed. What is that saying about the best laid plans? Never mind, that is not important right now. My Mother and I headed over to the cinema, formerly known (but still referred to as) Wycombe 6. Although I had heard mixed reviews from various sources and avoided all the press coverage (as much as possible) I went into the auditorium with a clear mind. I left two hours later with a warm glow inside. A beautiful feeling. The movie included everything that a cinema audience love.The hero winning the girl but not at the cost of being entertained. My Mum perhaps enjoyed it more, because she saw some of herself reflected (or rather exaggerated) on screen. Having songs sung in English was a bit strange at first but you soon got used to the idea. I feel that this was done perhaps to appease the Western English speaking audience. And the only way to see this to America (or get the backing of Miramax?) Perhaps. As the final credits rolled, you could see how much fun the cast and crew had making this movie. Something you rarely see, in the cut and throat world of Hollywood, when your next Box Office smash could be last. I really enjoyed Bend It Like Beckham but this movie was slightly different, more grown up maybe. Will we ever see a film like this again? No. This was the final piece in the jigsaw, which has opened the door for the director, from her early days on BBC Radio to the big lights of Hollywood. Good luck to her.

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