Friday 29th August 2008

By the time you read this blog post, I should be by the sea in Bournemouth, although I have just found out from my friend Steve on MSN that he has to work until 10.30pm tonight and tomorrow so the party will start a little bit later than originally planned. I am really looking forward to the weekend for several reasons. Firstly it is the first time I have seen both Steve and Tim in eight years, yes eight years! Secondly it is the last party weekend before I go back to work for my final week which judging by OWA (which I accessed from time to time) will be extremely busy! Although I suppose I have hardly been burning down the house every night in the past few weeks. Not making it to Reading was a shame (rather than a disappointment) and it has been good to re-charge the batteries in preparation for the new role.

This is my first net free weekend for a long time and I could be suffering from the symptoms of discomgoogolation. Although I am sure I could pop into an internet cafe if the urge over took me, I think I will be too busy for even the thought to enter my mind. When I get back on Sunday afternoon, it will just be a pit stop home to grab my gym bag before heading straight back down the A404 to Castle Royle. Yes, that is what you call dedication or complete craziness.

What have I done for the past week? Well you could look at my tweets over on Twitter or if you are a friend on Facebook, check my status updates. In summary, gym, rest, sleep. A trip to Newbury on Tuesday evening to see my cousin Praag and get some advice / help with the big move. Flat hunting but also looking at house shares and getting a steady stream of e-mails and text messages. I really need to sort myself out next week and arrange some viewings. My start date is not too far away. Not sure when the next opportunity will come along to blog. I will try and upload my photographs onto FlickR as soon as I get back and put together a blog entry over the course of the week. There may even be some video uploaded to YouTube but know how slow the editing process takes or rather it takes Ryan to edit his videos, you might see it online this side of Christmas, you might not!

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