Thursday 18th June 2009

I should be on my way back from Harrow collecting my server from MightyMouse but as you have guessed I am actually still in Newbury blogging. After a delay of a few weeks, Hussein’s server arrived yesterday morning. He e-mailed me and Jon a photo of the box seconds after it arrived at his workplace. I posted that picture, yesterday. However, a problem with the order (the CF card which will store Ubuntu) has meant it needs to be replaced with a faster model. While MightyMouse was willing to take a backup and provide me with a working server this evening, I decided against it. I would rather wait and have a fully working server with all the bells and whistles pre-installed. Plus, this way Hussein can come over to Newbury, see my flat and we can make a day (or rather an afternoon at least) of the installation. Rather than me walking blind. Knowing this was my first adventure with Linux, I spotted a book on the shelf in the library on Monday evening and took it out.


I am really looking forward to the weekend and this week has dragged. Tomorrow, my weekend kicks off at 4pm sharp. I will be off to get my haircut, then back to the flat to do some clearing up and preparation before my sisters arrive. We are then off around 7pm to see Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen, I am really looking forward to this sequel. I booked tickets on Tuesday evening for the 8pm screening in my beloved screen four. However, all the main seats were sold out, so I had to make do with row E instead of the usual row K. Disappointing but you snooze you lose as many of my friends would say. I will be happy as long as the Pearl & Dean titles play! We will get back late on Friday night, get some food before crashing out. Saturday will be up at a leisurely time to go and get everything for the barbeque. It all kicks off around 2pm and is scheduled to last all night. Although I have just read my first ever Victoria Gardens Newsletter which stats above average noise levels after 11pm are considering a nuisance. We shall see how long we can truly party for, my friends? Sunday I am heading back home for Father’s Day. Not sure what is planned during the day but as the weather is going to be good, I will pop down to the Rye for the Car Show with some friends. I am still debating whether to crash at home on Sunday night or drive back to Newbury but we shall see. I know Pav will not want me to miss a crucial gym session on Monday morning at 6.30am, particularly if I miss a major session this coming Sunday. I better get off to bed and get some rest, it is going to be one messy weekend and I hope to return with some photographs and stories on Sunday or more likely Monday evening. Hope you all have a great weekend. I ran the Bayer 10K on Sunday 31st May. I am raising money for the Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation. If you would like, you can still sponsor me, you can go to Thank you for your kind donations.

Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation

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