Tuesday 9th December 2003

I was hoping to update my blog, last night, however coursework and other commitments got on top of me and I had to focus on them. I can now say with some relief, that my last piece of coursework (for this semester at least!) was handed in this morning. I now can take a break and look forward to Christmas and the holidays. Unfortunately, as Barry Davies would say in his football commentary, this is just “a short rest bite for the defence”, for I have exams in January and of course my Final Year Project to keep me busy.

Talking of football, it was great news to read on BBC Football website, the best player in the world, say: “I can’t see myself coming back to Highbury with any other team because Arsenal is my paradise.” Having send that, an Arsenal team without the French striker, does look somewhat limited in it’s attacking options, as the weekend game against Leicester and the Walkers Stadium clearly showed. Read the full story here. I would like to thank Kristy for her continued kind words and making me an ‘official’ affiliate of her personal site. I’ve never been an affiliate of any site before, so this is a bold new experience. Good luck with the competition, don’t worry, I’m sure you will win! Christmas is fast approaching and a similar warm feeling begins to make me glow inside. It is difficult to explain the exact sensation but it’s the same feeling I had as a boy of 11 or 12, looking forward with great anticipation to the big day. Of course, now there is more a commercial burden on the religious festival, but we must at times take a step back from all that to reflect upon the importance of the day and the symbolic meaning it has for all people, not just Christians. I really wanted to add more to blog, but have lectures and other things to deal with at the moment. Hopefully will add a further entry later this week.

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