Friday 2nd December 2005

December is here, which can only mean one thing. However, I will try to keep some ounce of control, as there is plenty of time to get mad towards the late part of the month. Particularly with work to keep me occupied. While to my shock some individuals have already completed all their Christmas shopping, I tend to leave it as late as practically possible. Usually the last weekend prior to the big day, but due to the way Christmas falls on a Sunday, I have arranged to go shopping with my friend on Friday 23rd December, in the afternoon, straight after work. (I finish at 12pm) Therefore will need to get my shopping done by around 6pm. That sounds like a challenge to me? Today, I should have opened the second window on my advent calendar. Too busy at the moment, may get around to eating the backlog of chocolates over the course of the weekend. Do you have an advent calendar? For as long as I can remember, I have had one. Last year was Spiderman, a previous year was Toy Story 2, this year it is The Simpson’s. But no Chief Wiggum.

I have started using my PDA to make blog notes, this is a vast improvement on my old scraps of paper. It is perfect as I have my PDA on me throughout the day at work and when I am at home. In fact this entry was the first to be initially recorded on the X30. With only two subjects remaining. When do you know it is Christmas? For me it when I see the classic Coca Cola television commercial. It is the truck that brings that Christmas cheer! I saw it on Thursday evening, before I was going out and it was a great moment. What else do you cherish on the run up to the big day? Generally speaking I do not remember my dreams. However this week, two dreams are vivid. Firstly on Wednesday night I had the images of an old college friend. Strange, I had not seen or spoken to them in at least five years. In my second dream, last night, I was back in the classroom and distracted by someone sitting in the row ahead of me. In fact it was Britney Spears. I know this is strange, I’m 24 and have these strange adolescent dreams. I didn’t speak to her, but it was not a re-creation of the Baby One More Time video, although she did look more wholesome, circa 1999, rather than her modern rock chick persona. Weird. What added to this strange dream, was the change to an open field, with several American girls in football gear. Then, George Bush, (yes, that dude across the water!) came across and hit a soccer ball in my direction and I ran across in the same direction of all these young girls and started to play a game of football. Then, from what I can recall, I woke up.

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