Sunday 20th September 2009

The US TV season is back in full swing and I now have a long list of television shows to watch, which take up most of the evenings in the week. GREEK obviously started first at the end of August but that has been joined by Heroes and The Big Bang Theory. We also have […]

Friday 26th June 2009

I had kept my emotions in check for the majority of the day, the whole working day in fact. Even when I had seen the newspaper headlines on the stand in the Tesco Metro, Northbrook Street. However, as I left the office at 17:04, this afternoon I received a heartfelt message from my fifteen year […]

Sunday 7th June 2009

Five to six on a lazy early summer afternoon as we slowly slip into that period when we actually come to realise that the evening is here and there is work tomorrow. However, I am not going to fuel that fire, instead, I am going to let you know how my weekend has been and […]

Sunday 19th April 2009

Weekends jam packed with so much entertainment are great. Most people leave with some very fond memories, a memory card stashed full of photographs and usually a much lighter wallet. While I am no different, I also carry the burden, the heavy heart of expectation that I will provide a written account of all the […]